Grilled Cheese (song)
- You may also be looking for the segment "Grilled Cheese."
"Grilled Cheese" is a song sung by Elmer Fudd during the Merrie Melodies Grilled Cheese segment of The Looney Tunes Show episode "Best Friends." It was written by Andy Sturmer and was performed by Billy West.
I wowk so vewy hawd aww day wong.
I stawt to dweam of you befowe I get home.
Gwiwwed Cheese...
I hope you'we weady
'Cause we got a date
I just can't wait to get home and put you on my pwate!
Gwiwwed Cheese... Sandwich...
The buttew wiww stawt mewting when I wight the fwame
'Cause the buttew and the cheese awe gonna pway a wittwe game
It's cawwed mewting...
On the bwead.
Don't need a buwgew, don't need no shake
I'll waugh in ya face if you offew me cake
Don't waste my time with ya bwussews spwouts
If you make me a steak, I'ww just thwow it out
I want a...
(Gwiwwed Cheese)
Not a BLT
(Gwiwwed Cheese)
Awe ya fowwowing me?
(Gwiwwed Cheese)
I wove you mowe than any othew
I think I'm gonna make anothew!
Gwiwwed, gwiwwed, gwiwwed, gwiwwed cheese,
If you pwease.